Friday, July 6, 2012

Jakarta, Indonesia

Hi everyone, 

It's been a crazy couple of days since we last posted. We have been non-stop since we hit the ground in Jakarta. We arrived here Wednesday afternoon and ate dinner and went straight to sleep. On Thursday morning we jumped right into the work-flow here at the company we are working for. Indokemika is a leading supplier of chemicals to various industries in Indonesia. They have many locations across Indonesia, and they have 9 major divisions of products.

The food has been very good but it has taken some time to get used to. We have eaten a lot of Chinese food and Korean food and we will be trying Indonesian food soon. The Chinese food here is nothing like the American version of Chinese food, although both are pretty tasty. 

The traffic here is insane; for those of you who have been to New York City, picture that on steroids. It can take 20 or 30 minutes to drive a couple of blocks. There are tons of motorbikes, which are crossbreeds between motorcycles and mopeds. The streets are lined with food vendors selling an array of different foods and beverages. 

Today (July6th) we got the opportunity to meet with the company executives for a few hours and hear about the business' strategic plan. Learning about how a real, successful, company runs its business was a better learning experience than any I have ever experienced.

For lunch we went to a restaurant with Singaporean food. I had Pad Thai, which is also served at Hartsville's own, Bow Thai. We went out on a limb today at lunch and ate chicken feet... It wasn't as bad as you would think. Anyways, I am rambling so I'll save the rest for our next post.



  1. Glad to see you are venturing out and eating some of the more ethnic foods! I was told by a woman once that eating chicken feet will help prevent you from getting osteoarthritis because it will maintain the gelatin cartilage in your joints - so EAT UP! Are you all learning Bahasa Indonesia while you are there?

  2. Terima kasih for posting! We have picked up a few words and are interested in learning more. We have learned "thank you", "you're welcome","sir" and "mrs/ma'am". We have a good program here that allows us to get immersed in the culture and we are loving it!
